Online Trading: frauds involving Coinbase and Capitalbiz also in Spain
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Online Trading: frauds involving Coinbase and Capitalbiz also in Spain

Online Trading: frauds involving Coinbase and Capitalbiz also in Spain.

Online Trading: fake traders scam their client from Spain as well.

In a previous article we have told you about the frauds that took place in Italy by the hands of Coinbase and Capitalbiz. During the last days we have been contacted by one of ours Spanish readers, mr. Francisco Javier Serrano Alix, who depicted us a story that has much in common with what we have portrayed so far.

Online grooming.

The way the scammers approached and faked Francisco is absolutely identical to the praxis carried on in Italy by Diego Mattellone, Christian Slater, Alessandro Dimantova, Luigi Fontana and Alexia Zavos.

On the 22th of November 2022, our friend got called from an Italian number on behalf of a pretending Coinbase employee who asked him to invest 250€ in online trading. After the deposit he was contacted by Enrico Russo, who presented himself as his personal broker and promised him huge profits upcoming next.

The next calls were all coming from UK (London, +44); only in one case the call was made from Cyprus: the trader calling immediatly hang up after apologizing and called back, this time with a phone number of London. The conversation occured via e-mails as well, which Francisco diligently kept and saved.

The opening of the account.

After being in touch for a while, Russo proposed Francisco to deposit 10.000€ via bank transfer, stating that the amount would be displayed in the account he would contextually open with Capitalbiz, through the website The sum was in fact visible, as the subsequent transactions. Nevertheless, the account was accessible without any form of personal authentication but simply through username and password.

Later, Enrico proposed him to buy 12.000€ in cryptocurrency via and then send them at A few days later Russo called again affirming that the chance had vanished, though, whitout being able to add any justification.

At the same time, he came up with another offer, this time a restricted offer presented to only few selected customers: which is, to buy palladium for a grand total of 7.000€. The order was then performed.

The withdraw request and the tax payment.

After several others conversation Francisco had the pleasure to discover that his capital had grown to the amount of 142.000€, which made him forward the request of whitdrawing a 100.000€. The trader replied by telling him that, in order to execute the withdrawal, he had to pay 983,88 in taxes to the European Banking Authority.

Francisco performed the payment but the day after Russo called again. He insisted that now he had to pay 19.874,40 € in taxes: this is the moment when our reader ceased all the operations and pressed charge to the competent authorities.

The statement.

Online Trading: frauds involving Coinbase and Capitalbiz also in Spain
Online Trading: frauds involving Coinbase and Capitalbiz also in Spain

Other scammers identities:

We present the email addresses of partners in crime:

Online trading: scams. Same experience for other victims.

We subsequently report several links of Spanish websites that blast reputation, giving further details about how they operate. In addition, the Comision Nacional del Mercado ed Valores (CNMV) lists it among the unauthorized companies that offer financial servieces, as shown in the screenshots below.

Online Trading: frauds involving Coinbase and Capitalbiz also in Spain
Online Trading: frauds involving Coinbase and Capitalbiz also in Spain
Online Trading: frauds involving Coinbase and Capitalbiz also in Spain
Online Trading: frauds involving Coinbase and Capitalbiz also in Spain


Online Trading: frauds involving Coinbase and Capitalbiz also in Spain.

Online Trading: frauds involving Coinbase and Capitalbiz also in Spain.


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